Burglar is a top-down, turn-based Roguelike created for the 7DRL 2023 game jam. The game procedurally generates an infinite series of floors forming a building you must sneak through while avoiding guards. The game is focused on stealth, and "combat" is simplified to guards chasing you and catching you if they get close enough.


  • WASD to move
  • Spacebar while standing on stairs to go up or down them


In the game, you play as a burglar robbing a high-security building. Your goal is to collect as much money as possible by picking up coins, then escape via the stairs on the first floor. Guards patrol between set nodes, though they may change their patrol route if it gets blocked. Guards can see the area of lit-up tiles in front of them, and will chase after you if you enter this area. You are only slightly faster than guards, so escaping them may take a lot of steps. Remember that the building is infinite, and you will have to return the way you came in order to leave.

About us

All code and assets for Burglar were created in one week as a submission for the itch.io 7DRL 2023 game jam. Everything in the game was made by our small team of programmers and artists.


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Gameplay video of your game.


Love the art! Excited to play but it seems that half the screen is taken up by the blue money$ and floor # box. Any suggestions?

Sorry to hear that! Are you playing the game in fullscreen, and what browser are you using? I did notice that box changes size depending on the viewport. It should look like this: https://imgur.com/a/0VTsDyz


Tried normal size and fullscreen. I'm using chrome and test on Brave too.

I updated the game so it keeps the size of the UI more consistent. In fullscreen mode, it still doesn't snap to the bottom of the screen, but it's smaller, so hopefully it will also fix the problem for you when not in fullscreen.